Thursday, August 30, 2007

The feet - a national treasure

After some thought I have decided that it is time for the feet to receive the necessary honour that is their birthright. So I have decided to petition the proper authorities to have the feet rightfully recognized. I am not asking for anything beyond that which is their due.

Accordingly, I have written a letter to Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of Canada, and Josee Verner, the Minister of Canadian Heritage, so as to bring their attention the existence of my perfect feet. I have asked that the feet be declared either National Treasures or National Historic Sites.

I will continue my letter writing campaign over the coming months. It is my goal to make every Canadian Member of Parliament and every Canadian Senator aware of my feet. We have the added bonus of living in Canada, where the mailing of letters to Parliament is free.

New cat

A new cat, Taos, will be boarding with us for the next 10-12 months. Here he is being introduced to my foot. Can you see him quivering from his proximity to such majesty?

If you notice he had to avert his eyes. He was unable to look directly at the foot.

Here is a picture of his foot for posterity.

Isabel has not been a welcoming cat to the new addition. She spent most of the day yesterday hissing at him, and then got in a big catfight with him. Here she is, showing off the claws that sent Taos scurrying.

I thought it best to put Taos outside - I'm not sure if he's coming back. However I think that he will need to keep coming back to bask in the glow of my feet.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The foot surveying a wine rack

Here is the foot overlooking a collection of the wine owned by Leo and Sandra. Leo's foot currently has about 50 bottles in the collection.

Only the best for the foot - 1996 Moet & Chandon champagne

The new home

The foot overlooking a corner of the back yard.

The lush greenery which is the foot's kingdom.

Isabel looking with awe upon Leo's foot.

The foot overlooking the front of the kingdom.

Foot heaven

Here is the foot in the midst of all the footwear owned by Sandra and Leo. Sandra makes fun of Leo for having too many shoes in which to house the perfect feet. Leo's foot counted the shoes the other day - of the 59 pairs, Leo owns 12. That means Sandra needs almost 4 times as many shoes to house her imperfections as Leo needs to house perfection. There's something very wrong about this.

Buddha contemplating the perfection of Leo's foot.

Mowing the lawn

Here's the foot mowing the lawn. It's an environmentally friendly lawn mower - runs on a rechargeable battery. The only problem is that the battery runs out about half way through, so it takes 2 days to mow the lawn. It was free - which explains a lot.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Leo's foot has been slacking off

Leo's feet would like to take this opportunity to apologize for not updating the blog for the past few weeks. The feet have been moving into a new house and have been kept quite busy with everything involved with that.

I hope to have new pictures of the feet in the new house posted shortly. Until then, please enjoy older pictures of the feet in various poses.